Distributors & Representatives

Uniweld's new Distributor & Representative Portal has been redesigned, with the user in mind.

The improved website design allows you to connect to the same Uniweld data that you rely on, but we have made several beneficial changes to the user interface. The purpose of this new design is to simplify the data retrieval experience by eliminating unnecessary steps in the data retrieval process.

Please use the Log In form to access your data or register a new account.

If you are having trouble logging in or you are in need of assistance, please use the Contact form on Uniweld.com

ATTENTION attention

User accounts from the previous distributor & representative website have not & will not transfer to this website.

If you have not registered on this website (info.uniweld.com), please click "Sign Up"to create your new Uniweld Distributor or Rep account.

Note To End-Users

 If you are an end-user of our products and need assistance, you should contact the local Representative or Distributor in your area.


Only authorized users may access this area of our site. This area is reserved for Uniweld Distributors and Representatives.

Distributors Outside of the U.S. and Canada

Please contact your international sale executive for pricing information.